Love Languages with Numerology
Would you like to understand more about your connection with your partner or loved one on a deeper level? Perhaps you are hoping to strengthen the lines of communication with them through greater understanding of the energies you both chose to work with together, and individually, in this lifetime and how they could potentially merge in order to create an environment of growth and evolution, together. This reading isn't going to predict whether you will be together forever or whether it is "meant to be", but it will offer a deeper dive into how you can each work with the energies to maintain the connection, strengthen it, and grow as a couple. You each get the final say though and your choices will dictate your experiences, however, this reading can equip you with greater insights that can bring more compassion and understanding to the connection through the language of love, energy and Numerology. Please note, this reading is not only for couples and can be used with any connection you would like to learn more about and help to grow and strengthen including, but not limited to, friends, family, and partners.

Love Languages with Numerology
​* An Animal Wisdom Message for the connection
* A full recorded (Mp3) reading for your connection where I will go over each of the following reports in detail, highlighting what I feel is most beneficial to understand regarding the energies at play. These reports include: Your Numerology Compatibility Report (which includes the next 2 years of personal year ahead forecasts for each person), Diamond Forecasts for each person at their current age, and a high-level overview of your Astrology Synastry Chart
Pdf. copies of each report referenced ​
*****In order to pull accurate information and complete an accurate reading I will require the following information at the time of booking. If you do not have this information, I would advise to wait until you do before you purchase so that you get your monies worth. I will need:​
The EXACT full name that appears on the birth certificate or adoption papers (within 6 months of birth) for BOTH individuals.
The current legal name used by both
The full birth date
The following information is optional but is needed if you would like the Astrology Synastry overview:
4. EXACT time of birth - no guesses please
5. The place of birth
Please note that this service is NOT face to face/one to one, you will not be present at the appointment so please choose the first available time slot.
Once your service is purchased and your information is received, I will EMAIL your Numerology Package to you typically on the same day as your "appointment" date, however, please allow up to 1-2 business days from that date for receipt. Please check your SPAM folder and please make sure that the email address you provide is accurate with no typos so that it doesn't bounce back to me.
**DISCLAIMER** You must be 18 years of age or older to use these services. All readings are for informational purposes only and should not be used in lieu of professional medical advice. You are paying me for my perspective and opinion on these topics and you are solely responsible for what you choose to do with that information. I am NOT liable for your actions, the actions of others, or any consequences of those actions following our time together. By purchasing a session with me you are stating you fully understand and accept this release of liability. ****